Thursday, August 6, 2009

Oh the life of simplicity!

The other day or limited electiricty went out. Unfortunately we were in the middle of cooking supper when it happend. We ate supper by candel light and had a magnificent time. After supper and dishes we trekked over to the other house and squished on our couch (a old matress stuffed with wood and straw - not the most comfortable thing but definitely great if you imagine you are sitting on a couch) Anyways the fun part of it was that there was a small group of us just chilling on the couch or on the floor. We each had our little headlamps and were happily reading books. Every once in a while someone would make a comment out loud about something interesting they had just read. I will have to say that this was one of the most peaceful experiences I have had yet in Peru. The little hallway we were reading in has screened windows along one edge allowing all the nighttime noises of the jungle to seradade us. As the night proresses one by one we headed off to bed. It was a most enjoyable night to just sit with friends, without the distraction of computers, cell phones, television or any other electronic device. It was great to just spend time together as friends. So if you ever find yourself bored, get together with some friends grab some headlights and some books and just chill on your floor (but first remeber to turn off ALL electronic devices or else there will be no peace) I think you would be suprised at the fun you can have with simplicity.
I will not step down from my little pulpit and let you know what has been happening lately. The past few days have all pretty much consisted of the same acticities. Most of my time has been spent sorting through all of our medicine - organizing it and packing what we will need for our first clinic that starts on Sunday morning. Right now my brain is overflowing with the Spanish names for hundres of medicines. There have been many laughs as te newbys try to figure out how to pronounce all the million letter long medicine names.
Yesterday I had the unfortunate experience of catching the bug that 87 percent of the other SM´s have already caught and faught. I was on the verge of throwing up for a good 40 hours, but thanks to a strong stomach I never actually emptied my little stomach of its biley contents. Along with a horribly upset stomach I also had a terrible headache, diziness and a complete loss of appetite. I only ate two little apples that were about the size of silver dollar coins - which means once you take the core out you have about a half a mouth full of apples (The fruit is really messed up here - lemons the size of invadnig planets and apples the size of cherries - wierd) Anyways, luckily this little disease only last for about a day and a half so now I am just getting my strength back. I still don´t have an appetite, but that will come. The guys keep saying that I must be sick since I am no longer eating just as much or more than them!
Right now I am in Pucallpa running around to different pharmacies searching for the best prices of the medicines that we will need to buy for next weeks clinic. It is a bit of a challenge to comunicate in Spanish, but with hand motions and lots of slaughtered words you can get the point across. My Spanish still needs a lot of work but at least I am getting some practice in.
Time to get back to work.

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