Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The activity of my days has slowed down a bit. My daily rountine is to traverse across Neuvo Amazonia stopping at different peoples houses to visit with them and teach them about nutrition and hygiene. I have a pretty good are ato cover so I tend to walk at a pretty fast pace. Everyone down here thinks I am so funny for walking fast with big strides.
I feel as if I am pretty acoustombed to Peruvian life. Where we are living right now at km 8 there is no running wáter. This means that we have to buy all of our wáter for cooking, drinking, showering, washing clothes, etc. It seems like such a silly thing to spend money on, but it is definietly a necissity. I was overjoyed the other day when it started raining super hard. I quickly grabbed all the buckets and contianers that we had and set them all out to collect free wáter. Another great thing about life down here is that giant papayas can be bought for the equivalent of 30 US cents. Papaya season is about 2 weeks away and I am oh so excited. Another reason I think I am becoming Peruvian is that the other night our group decided to taste a bit of American cultura and eat supper at a Pizzaria. We delightfully enjoyed our pizza until the bill game and we realized that each slice of pizza came out to about $1 US. Normally this would not be considered a ridiculous Price, but for here that is super duper expensive. That is almost a whole days worth of food (and I had 3 slices - no food for 3 whole days…aaahhh). One other funny thing that has been happening to me over the past few days is running into random tables in the dark. You see, where we are living now there is no electicity. The sun goes down soon after 6 leaving lots of time to wander through darkness and run into things. Me, being to cheap to use my flashlight batteries and preferring the adventure of exploring in the darkness, have found myself colliding into random tables and chairs that were not there earlier. My legs have random bruises to remind me of my clumsiness. Funny how my I am still just as clumsy even here in a different hemisphere.

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